Energy and environment

Environmental sustainability

Construction and operation of large-scale infrastructure systems can have a significant impact on the environment. A determination can be made, based on an environmental impact assessment (EIA), whether the planned system complies with environmental regulations. The goal of the EIA is to detect and avoid negative environmental impacts in advance. The EIA is embedded within the existing approval procedure (planning authorisation or concession procedure).

We provide clarification for our clients whether a project requires an EIA and what the necessary procedures for attaining the desired approval look like. Subsequently, we develop the environmental impact report (EIR), which outlines compliance with environmental legalisation and thus provides an evaluation basis for the decision-making authority. In the EIR, we also point out envisaged measures for environmental protection. For us, it is important to find a way to minimise negative project impacts on the environment while concurrently taking economic project optimisation into account.

Our offer includes the following services:


  • Environmental impact reports
  • Environmental and procedural consultation
  • Environmental audits
  • Accompaniment of construction projects of any size
  • Environmental and ecological construction accompaniment
  • Renaturation of bodies of water, biotope design, ecological compensation measures
  • Ecological upgrading of urban spaces
  • Landfill planning
  • Visualisations
  • Brief report on incident
  • Environmental risk analysis


  • Soil mapping
  • Compaction tests
  • Creation of soil protection concepts
  • Soil-specialised construction accompaniment
  • Implementation of soil pollution sampling
  • Recultivation
  • Soil evaluation of agricultural soils

Noise protection

  • Noise measurement
  • Noise calculations and modelling (CadnaA)
  • Noise protection verifications
  • Noise expert report
  • Planning of noise remediation
  • Traffic census


Emch+Berger AG Bern

Bern, Biel/Bienne, Brig, Bulle, Spiez, Fribourg/Freiburg, Kopenhagen (DK), Frankfurt (DE)