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Modernisation Hotel Bern

More than 100 years ago, at the end of October 1914, the former Volkshaus opened its doors at Zeughausgasse 9 in Bern. About 30 years ago, the Volkshaus was completely gutted and equipped with 99 rooms, two restaurants and an 800 m2 seminar floor to the standard of a 4-star hotel and given the name Hotel Bern.
Despite ongoing maintenance and repair work, Volkshaus AG has decided to modernise the Hotel Bern. In particular, the hotel is to be given a clear face and identification with a clear architectural signature. An unmistakable architectural red line is to be created, which takes up the history and location of the hotel, and makes the visitor aware of this in an intelligent, sympathetic and modern way.
As the client's representative, Emch+Berger is taking the lead from the architects, planners, contractors and suppliers and is working very closely with those responsible for the hotel (management, operations and facility management). By taking on the client's interests during the planning and execution phase, Emch+Berger ensures that the project is realised in accordance with the specified objectives and constraints, and on time and within budget.

Volkshaus AG
approx. 30 Mio. CHF
Volkshaus AG
Jordi + Partner AG
Project number
Fields of activity
Real estate;Construction fiduciary & project management
Delivered services
Building owner representation in line
Creation and implementation of an architectural competition
Create and run a competition to identify the interior designer
Creating a project manual
Creation of a communication concept
Supervision and control of planners and contractors
Leading and taking minutes of the client meetings
Leading the project organisation
Project change and supplementary management
Cost controlling
Concept and plan reviews
Reporting risks, quality, costs, deadlines
Control payment transactions
Monitoring of the acceptance process and defect handling